Jobs in Cyprus

Work in Cyprus - not only get a job, but also go on vacation

Working in Cyprus is a rapidly growing choice among compatriots who want not only to earn money, but also to enjoy the sea, the sun and the extremely pleasant climate of this country. After all, it's much nicer to work where it's warm and there's always an upbeat holiday mood, right? In addition, working and living in Cyprus is a great opportunity to combine meaningful leisure time with professional activities. People who have ever worked or are still working in this wonderful Mediterranean salon can confirm by their example that working in Cyprus is not only a valuable professional experience, but also an opportunity to experience many unforgettable adventures.

Maybe you often think that working in Cyprus is an experience you would like to try? However, you do not dare to take this step because you lack knowledge about the Cyprus labor market? Such hesitation is completely understandable. After all, jobs in Cyprus, compared to professional activities, for example, in Great Britain or other countries popular among compatriots, are offered much less often. It is likely that there are no friends or relatives in Cyprus who can help you find a job or a place to live.

BondoJobs, a company that offers reliable career opportunities in various foreign countries, can help you! Our team of experts will not only offer you the most suitable job in Cyprus, but will also take care of all employment formalities and accommodation issues. So, if you are interested in working in Cyprus, don't hesitate: contact us and learn more about your employment opportunities in a country where the sun shines 340 days a year!

Work in Cyprus: what can you do?

Work in Cyprus is mostly seasonal. It is important to mention that work in Cyprus starts around April and lasts until October. Various job advertisements in this sunny country are particularly attractive to students and other young people who do not have major obligations and want to not only earn money, but also have fun during the freer period of their lives.

BondoJobs offers extremely favorable conditions to those interested in working in Cyprus. We conclude direct employment contracts with agencies operating in this country and find our clients the kind of work that best meets their expectations. As you know, work in Cyprus usually includes vacant positions in the service and tourism sectors. Therefore, the following are always welcome to work in this sunny country:

  • hotel administrators;
  • maids;
  • doormen;
  • registrars;
  • waiters;
  • cooks;
  • bartenders etc.

Of course, this to-do list is by no means exhaustive. Not infrequently, the job offered in Cyprus includes qualified positions that require special skills and knowledge. So, if your resume stands out with solid work experience or qualifications in a specific field, permanent work and living in Cyprus can be easily achieved!

Will it be possible to earn money in Cyprus?

Many fear that they will not be able to earn money after coming to Cyprus for seasonal work. If you work more than you go on vacation, you will be able to not only earn, but also save. Of course, we cannot specify the specific amount you will earn in Cyprus. Work in Cyprus, as in all countries, is paid, taking into account many factors: the nature of work, qualifications, experience, knowledge of foreign languages, time worked, etc.

It is important to note that the fascinating thing about working in Cyprus is that it is possible to save a considerable amount from generous tips, often equal to the salary. Of course, it should be noted that knowing foreign languages, especially English, is a great advantage when working in Cyprus. It's no secret that this sunny country is extremely popular and visited by tourists from all over the world. So, if you work in the service or tourism sector, you will need to communicate with tourists on a regular basis. In addition, communication with tourists is not only a part of daily work, but also new acquaintances and bigger tips.

If you don't know English well, knowing any other foreign language can be an advantage. Maybe you are fluent in Russian? Or do you speak German perfectly? No matter what foreign language you learn, it will be your path to a higher salary and better career opportunities.

Work in Cyprus: why is it worth getting a job?

It is increasingly noticed that jobs in Cyprus attract not only young people, but also older people. And this is a completely understandable trend, even working and living in Cyprus opens up the opportunity to enjoy special advantages!

  • You will combine work with leisure. After a working day, you can always enjoy relaxing by the sea, and you can spend your days off on the beaches of extraordinary beauty.
  • You will gain invaluable work experience. While working in sunny Cyprus, you will improve your professional skills, learn something new, make useful acquaintances, meet new people.
  • You will earn and save. A solid salary and generous tips will definitely allow you not only to earn enough, but also to save money.

Are you dreaming of leaving for work in sunny Cyprus as soon as possible? Contact us and we will definitely find the most suitable job offer for you!
